It is with deepest regret and sadness that this week we say goodbye to simultaneous afternoon napping! The time has come. Hayden is determined to have just one sleep and it is usually mid morning for a couple of hours. Lachlan is still having a sleep or even if he doesn't actually catch 40winks he always rests on his bed. But this doesn't happen till about 2pm! So that leaves me with a tag-team effect.
It has been SO nice to have the afternoon peace and quiet to prepare dinner, rest, clean or do some craft. The end has come. Now I'll actually have to entertain Hayden!! Now don't get me wrong, I dearly love the child (except when he's climbing up chairs onto tables, hanging out the windows, escaping through open doors and flinging himself down the stairs...) but the 1-2hrs of peace gave me the time out I needed to pull myself together and gather the energy for the late afternoon dramas. I have far less patience than I should. Some days I have this nagging resentment in the far nether regions of my head causing me to get shirty over tiny things such as, well, let's face it: small children being small children. Why does it take 30mins to clean up after breakfast instead of just 5mins? Why do the floors need sweping 4 times a day? Why can you not tell that I have mopped the floors just 3 hours after I have done so? Why is there 4 loads of washing on the line the day after I've just folded and put 4 loads-worth away in people's drawers?
There are brilliant days as a mother (like yesterday) and then there are the awful days (like today) when you're in a mood and you just can't pull yourself out of it. Just writing this I can feel the tension easing and my temper calming. I will have to come up with a plan to combat this new schedule Hayden has implemented, which is causing stress and disarray to my housework regime or this mother may really go loony....