It seems to be our luck that it rains everytime we choose to go up a mountain on Easter Monday. Last year we went up to Montville after packing up at the close of our annual camping trip with the Dunlops. It was fairly miserable trying to meander in the quaint shops with a pram and periods of pouring rain. Needless to say, it cut our day short.
Well, today we tempted fate by driving up to Mt Tamborine (yes, it was overcast when we left and it has rained all weekend but...). We got there without rain and stopped at Curtis Falls walk. We started off fine and Lachlan was very eager, walking at a brisk pace. The ground was a little squelchy. As we went further, it got muddier and slushier and well, let's just say it really was rather interesting to feel between the toes.. We soldiered on and despite the mud it really was a lovely walk. We had a slight problem half-way through when we'd reached the falls, with Lachlan needing the gents. No amount of coaxing would get him to do a 'tree-wee' and so there was some whinging till we got to the toilets (luckily these were halfway back from the falls). Bladders relieved and we were all happy again.
At the end - Hurray we finished!!!
Lunch was a different story with no happy ending- I had a particular spot in mind but it didn't seem to be where I remembered it being?!?!?! We drove for quite some time trying to find it and then just trying to find somewhere to cook our sausages. In the end we huddled under a covered picnic table with fog/mist surrounding us meaning we couldn't see more than a few metres ahead, and with rain sprinkling around us. No bbq meant for a less than appetising lunch but we still had chips so everyone was happyish...
Not my ideal Easter Monday, but an adventure none-the-less!