Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wouldn't it be nice to be a duck??

Who decided that Ducks eat bread? Well, however we found out, I am grateful because it makes for a fun and fairly calm activity with the kids. In my attempt to make the day disappear and avoid sending each other insane at home, we ventured to Minnippi Parklands last Wednesday and had a lovely time. It is a great spot and now that I have discovered it I think it will become a "Cowan hotspot". These ducks were so fun and came up really close so that our little throws were still ok.


This Girl loves to Talk said...

sounds fun.. i have driven past plenty of times, but never been.. if I get a car, will have to go there with you one day - oh and I refound your blog by googling you ;)

Sandy M. said...

Bev, I can't help noticing that you haven't written for a while? I am hoping it is because you are having way too much fun to take time for blogging right now.. I hope you are.. having fun! And are all well :)